About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The journal Mediterranean Marine Science (MMS), published by the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), issues three volumes annually. The journal welcomes original research articles, short communications, ''New Mediterranean Biodiversity records'', ''New records of rare species in the Mediterranean Sea'', extended reviews, comments, and Theme sections in all fields of Oceanography, Marine Biology, Marine Conservation, Fisheries and Aquaculture in the Mediterranean area and the adjacent regions. All content is peer-reviewed.
Peer Review Process
Scholarly peer review is carried out by at least two referees, who are experts in the same field before a paper is published in MMS.
Based on the journal guidelines and the advice and comments from the members of the editorial board as well as the referees, a paper may either be accepted, considered acceptable with minor/major revisions, or rejected. To ensure that the subject matter is appropriate for the journal and of broad interest, that the use of the English language is correct and that the format is in accordance with journal standards, see Author's guidelines outlined in "About - Author Guidelines - Initial Submission". Manuscripts not satisfying the criteria above will not be accepted. By up-front rejection, we aim to shorten manuscript processing time and allow authors to submit quickly to a more appropriate journal. Depending on the quality of the manuscript, a paper can be accepted within 4 weeks of submission and published online in the journal.
After receiving a positive decision notification from the Handling Editor and comments from the referees, authors are required to return the revised manuscript along with a detailed letter responding to the comments made by the referees. Authors should respond to all referees’ suggestions; if they disagree with any suggestions they should justify the reasons for not accepting them. The Handling Editor may again contact referees for final or additional comments. Manuscripts will be considered as accepted only after the revised version has been approved by the Handling Editor, and authors will receive an acceptance notification. Once a manuscript has been accepted, it should be sent in word-processing format (i.e. MS Word file, not PDF), with separate figure files, refer to "About - Author Guidelines -Revised Submission-After Acceptance''. Manuscripts returned to authors for revision should be revised and resubmitted within two (2) months; otherwise, they may be considered as withdrawn and treated as new submissions.
Open Access Policy
The Mediterranean Marine Science Journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public contributes to global knowledge exchange. We encourage authors to deposit their articles, as well as data underlying the publications, in institutional and/or other appropriate subject repositories.
No publication fees are required. The only cost incurred by the author(s) is for language editing certification, which is paid directly to a professional editing office chosen by the author(s) after the paper is accepted by the journal editor.
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EKT’s vision is “Access to Knowledge”. To this end it implements Open Access policies in research, supports the transfer and dissemination of scientific knowledge, collaborates with research, education and cultural institutions for the aggregation, organization and dissemination of digital content and provides innovative services in scientific information.
EKT provides reliable ePublishing services as part of its scholarly content aggregation and dissemination activities . Its integrated online ePublishing environment is developed with open-source interoperable technology. This affords the incorporation of EKT’s infrastructures into the continuously developing international infrastructure environment.
EKT’s ePublishing services (http://epublishing.ekt.gr/) are directed to public and extended public institution publishers of accredited scholarly journals. They include, most significantly, the organization, documentation and organized dissemination of metadata and content of scholarly journals, the training and consulting services on issues such as intellectual property, the standardization of editorial processes according to internationally accepted standards, the inclusion of content and metadata in international content indexers and harvesters via interoperable systems.
Sources of Support
The development of this online edition of the journal Mediterranean Marine Science is possible through the project 'National Information System for Research and Technology, Phase IV - Social Networks', implemented by the National Documentation Centre (ΕΚΤ) (www.epset.gr). It is financed by the program "Digital Convergence" of the National Strategic Reference Framework Programme for Development 2007-2013, co-funded by the European Union - European Regional Development Fund and the Greek State.
Journal History
The Mediterranean Marine Science journal was first published in 2000, replacing "Thalassographica", the journal published between 1976 and 1992 by the Institute of Oceanographic and Fisheries Research (former IOFR). It has been published online since 2000 by HCMR and since 2013 its electronic edition is published in collaboration with the National Documentation Centre with the online journal publication tool Open Journal Systems.
The journal is abstracted and indexed in WoS (Web of Science, ISI Thomson), SCOPUS, Aquatic Science and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA) and in Zenodo. The content of MMS is indexed by ELSEVIER and archived in CITEFACTOR.