Explorations between philosophy and history

May 27, 2013
philosophy of history historiography post-foundationalism relativism objectivism internal realism cross-disciplinarity conceptual inversion essentially contested concepts historical past practical past politics of history narrativism.
This introduction summarizes the basic ideas behind the articles collected in Przekraczanie granic: eseje z filozofii historii i teorii historiografii [Bordercrossings: essays on the philosophy of history and theory of historiography]. The first basic idea is the idea that the writing of history has a “border crossing” character, meaning that history writing involves border crossings, first, between history and philosophy and, second, between history and “politics” in a broad sense. The second basic idea is that the dialectical mechanism of “inversion” (of “negation” and of “the unity of opposites”) is fundamental for our understanding of debates in the philosophy of history and in historiography. The third idea is that interesting prejudices and other assumptions in both philosophy and in history are found by contrast, not by analysis (Feyerabend). Analysis of controversies is therefore the most fruitful point of departure in the philosophy of history and in historiography. Because all key ideas in the humanities are “essentially contested concepts” (Gallie), controversies are the “normal” discursive condition in the humanities.
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Lorenz, C. F. (2013). Explorations between philosophy and history. Historein, 14(1), 59–70. https://doi.org/10.12681/historein.217
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Ankersmit, F. 1983, Narrative Logic. A Semantic Analysis of the Historian's Language, Nijhoff, Den Haag.
Ankersmit, F. 2001, Historical Representation, University Press, Stanford.
Ankersmit, F. 2004, Narracja, reprezentacja, doświadczenie. Studia z teorii historiografii [Narrative, Representation, Experience. Studies from the Theory of Historiography], ed. E. Domańska, Universitas, Kraków
Ankersmit, F. 2005, The Sublime Historical Experience, University Press Stanford.
Berger, S. Lorenz Ch. 2010, eds., Nationalizing the Past. Historians as Nation Builders in Modern Europe, Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills.
Brzechczyn, K. 2009, Between Science and Literature: The Debate on the Status of History, in Idealization XIII: Modeling in History, ed. K. Brzechczyn, Rodopi, Amsterdam/New York.
Brzechczyn, K. 2009, Logical Empiricism and Logical Positivism, in A Companion to the Philosophy of History and Historiography, ed. A. Tucker, Blackwell, Malden.
Coole, D. S. Frost 2010, eds. New Materialisms. Ontology, Agency, and Politics, Duke University Press, Durham/London.
Crouch, C. 2011, The Strange Non-Death of Neoliberalism, University Press, Cambridge.
Gane, N. 2009, Concepts and the ‘New’ Empiricism, European Journal of Social Theory, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 83-97.
Goodman, N. 1978, Ways of World-Making, Hackett P.C., Indianapolis.
Hempel, C. G. [1942] 1965, ‘The Function of General Laws in History’. Reprinted in Hempel, 1965, Aspects of Scientific Explanation and Other Essays in the Philosophy of Science, Free Press, New York.
Lakatos, I. 1978, The Methodology of the Scientific Research Programmes, eds. J. Worrall and G. Currie, Philosophical Papers, vol. 1. University Press, Cambridge.
Lorenz, Ch. 1997, Die Konstruktion der Vergangenheit. Eine Einführung in die Geschichtstheorie, Böhlau, Cologne.
Lorenz Ch. 1998, ‘Can Histories be True? Narrativism, Positivism and the “Metaphorical turn”, History and Theory, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 309-329.
Lorenz, Ch. 2006a, Geschichtswissenschaft und Gesetze: eine zwiespältige Geschichte, in Gesetz und Gesetzlichkeit in den Wissenschaften, Hrsg. W. Bock, Darmstadt.
Lorenz, Ch. 2006b, "Won’t You Tell me Where Have all the Good Times Gone?: On the Advantages and Disadvantages of Modernization Theory for History, Rethinking History, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 171-200.
Lorenz Ch. 2008a, ‘Drawing the line: “Scientific” History between Myth-making and Myth-breaking’, in Narrating the Nation. Representations in History, Media and the Arts, eds. S. Berger, L. Eriksonas, A. Mycock, Berghahn Books, New York/Oxford.
Lorenz Ch. 2008b, ‘Representations of Identity: Ethnicity, Class, Gender and Religion. An Introduction to Conceptual History’, in The Contested Nation. Ethnicity, Religion, Class and Gender in National Histories, eds. S. Berger, Ch. Lorenz, Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills.
Lorenz, Ch. 2009, Przekraczanie granic. Eseje z filozofii historii i teorii historiografii [Bordercrossing. Essays from Philosophy of History and Theory of Historiography], ed. K. Brzechczyn, Wyd. Poznańskie, Poznań.
Lorenz, Ch. 2010a, 'Double Trouble. A Comparison of the Politics of National History in Germany and Quebec', in Nationalizing the Past. Historians as Nation Builders in Modern Europe, eds. S. Berger, Ch. Lorenz, Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills.
Lorenz, Ch. 2010b, ‘Unstuck in Time. Or: the sudden presence of the past’, in Performing the Past. Memory, History and Identity in Modern Europe, eds. K. Tilmans, F. van Vree, J. Winter, University Press, Amsterdam.
MacKenzie,D, Muniesa, F. & Siu, L.2007 (eds.), Do Economists Make Markets?: On the Performativity of Economics, Princeton UP
Magala, S. 1988, Review of ‘Tropics of Discourse’, Przegląd Literatury Metodologicznej, no 5, pp. 39-40.
Malczewski, Sz. 2009, “Metodologie” Jerzego Topolskiego [„Methodologies” of Jerzy Topolski], Historyka. Studia Metodologiczne 2009, vol. 39, pp. 89-120.
Nowak, L. 1977, Wstęp do idealizacyjnej teorii nauki [Introduction to the Idealizational Theory of Science], PWN, Warszawa.
Nowak, L. 1980, The Structure of Idealization. Towards a Systematic Interpretation of Marxian Idea of Science, Reidel, Dordrecht.
Nowak, L. 1991, Thoughts Are Facts of Possible Worlds. Truths Are Facts of a Given World, Dialectica, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 273-287.
Nowak, L. 2000, ‘The Idealizational Approach to Science. A New Survey’, in I. Nowakowa, L. Nowak, Idealization X: The Richness of Idealization, Rodopi, Amsterdam 2000, pp. 109-184
Nowakowa, I., L. Nowak 2000, Idealization X: The Richness of Idealization, Rodopi, Amsterdam.
Paul, H. 2011, Hayden White. The Historical Imagination, University Press, Cambridge.
Pomorski, J. 1986, Hayden White: historyzm jako relatywizm językowy w historiografii [Hayden White: Historicism as Linguistic Relativism in Historiography], Annales Universitates Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, vol. 11, no 12, pp. 189-202.
Pomorski, J. 1990, Wprowadzenie: spory wokół narracji historycznej [Preface: Controversies around Historical Narrative], in Metodologiczne problemy narracji historycznej ed. J. Pomorski, Wyd. UMCS, Lublin.
Pomorski, J. 2002, Jak uprawiać metodologię historii? Wokół koncepcji Jerzego Topolskiego [How To Do Methodology of History. Among Concepts of Jerzy Topolski], in Światooglądy historiograficzne, ed. J. Pomorski, Wyd. UMCS, Lublin.
Quiggin, J. 2011, Zombie Economics. How Dead Ideas Still Walk Among Us, University Press, Princeton.
Rescher, N. 1995, Pluralism. Against the Demand for Consensus, University Press, Oxford.
Topolski, J. 1983, Teoria wiedzy historycznej [Theory of Historical Knowledge], Wydawnictwo Poznańskie, Poznań.
Topolski, J. 1996, Jak się pisze i rozumie historię. Tajemnice narracji historycznej [How to Write and Understand History. The Secrets of Historical Narrative], Rytm, Warszawa.
White, H. 1973, Metahistory. The Historical Imagination in Nineteenth Century Europe, The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore/London.
White, H. 1978, Tropics of Discourse. Essays in Cultural Criticism, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore/London.
White, H. 1989, Zagadnienie przemiany w historii literatury [The Problem of Change in Literary Criticism], Pamiętnik Literacki, no. 1, pp. 277-293.
White, H. 1990, Problem narracji we współczesnej teorii historii [The Question of Narrative in Contemporary Historical Theory], in ed. J. Pomorski, Metodologiczne problemy narracji historycznej, Wyd. UMCS, Lublin 1990.
White, H. 2000, Poetyka pisarstwa historycznego [The Poetics of Historical Writings], eds. E. Domańska, M. Wilczyński, Universitas, Kraków (second edition 2010).
White, H. 2009, Proza historyczna [Historical Prose], ed. E. Domańska, Universitas, Kraków.
Ankersmit, F. 1983, Narrative Logic. A Semantic Analysis of the Historian's Language, Nijhoff, Den Haag.
Ankersmit, F. 2001, Historical Representation, University Press, Stanford.
Ankersmit, F. 2004, Narracja, reprezentacja, doświadczenie. Studia z teorii historiografii [Narrative, Representation, Experience. Studies from the Theory of Historiography], ed. E. Domańska, Universitas, Kraków
Ankersmit, F. 2005, The Sublime Historical Experience, University Press Stanford.
Berger, S. Lorenz Ch. 2010, eds., Nationalizing the Past. Historians as Nation Builders in Modern Europe, Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills.
Brzechczyn, K. 2009, Between Science and Literature: The Debate on the Status of History, in Idealization XIII: Modeling in History, ed. K. Brzechczyn, Rodopi, Amsterdam/New York.
Brzechczyn, K. 2009, Logical Empiricism and Logical Positivism, in A Companion to the Philosophy of History and Historiography, ed. A. Tucker, Blackwell, Malden.
Coole, D. S. Frost 2010, eds. New Materialisms. Ontology, Agency, and Politics, Duke University Press, Durham/London.
Crouch, C. 2011, The Strange Non-Death of Neoliberalism, University Press, Cambridge.
Gane, N. 2009, Concepts and the ‘New’ Empiricism, European Journal of Social Theory, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 83-97.
Goodman, N. 1978, Ways of World-Making, Hackett P.C., Indianapolis.
Hempel, C. G. [1942] 1965, ‘The Function of General Laws in History’. Reprinted in Hempel, 1965, Aspects of Scientific Explanation and Other Essays in the Philosophy of Science, Free Press, New York.
Lakatos, I. 1978, The Methodology of the Scientific Research Programmes, eds. J. Worrall and G. Currie, Philosophical Papers, vol. 1. University Press, Cambridge.
Lorenz, Ch. 1997, Die Konstruktion der Vergangenheit. Eine Einführung in die Geschichtstheorie, Böhlau, Cologne.
Lorenz Ch. 1998, ‘Can Histories be True? Narrativism, Positivism and the “Metaphorical turn”, History and Theory, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 309-329.
Lorenz, Ch. 2006a, Geschichtswissenschaft und Gesetze: eine zwiespältige Geschichte, in Gesetz und Gesetzlichkeit in den Wissenschaften, Hrsg. W. Bock, Darmstadt.
Lorenz, Ch. 2006b, "Won’t You Tell me Where Have all the Good Times Gone?: On the Advantages and Disadvantages of Modernization Theory for History, Rethinking History, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 171-200.
Lorenz Ch. 2008a, ‘Drawing the line: “Scientific” History between Myth-making and Myth-breaking’, in Narrating the Nation. Representations in History, Media and the Arts, eds. S. Berger, L. Eriksonas, A. Mycock, Berghahn Books, New York/Oxford.
Lorenz Ch. 2008b, ‘Representations of Identity: Ethnicity, Class, Gender and Religion. An Introduction to Conceptual History’, in The Contested Nation. Ethnicity, Religion, Class and Gender in National Histories, eds. S. Berger, Ch. Lorenz, Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills.
Lorenz, Ch. 2009, Przekraczanie granic. Eseje z filozofii historii i teorii historiografii [Bordercrossing. Essays from Philosophy of History and Theory of Historiography], ed. K. Brzechczyn, Wyd. Poznańskie, Poznań.
Lorenz, Ch. 2010a, 'Double Trouble. A Comparison of the Politics of National History in Germany and Quebec', in Nationalizing the Past. Historians as Nation Builders in Modern Europe, eds. S. Berger, Ch. Lorenz, Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills.
Lorenz, Ch. 2010b, ‘Unstuck in Time. Or: the sudden presence of the past’, in Performing the Past. Memory, History and Identity in Modern Europe, eds. K. Tilmans, F. van Vree, J. Winter, University Press, Amsterdam.
MacKenzie,D, Muniesa, F. & Siu, L.2007 (eds.), Do Economists Make Markets?: On the Performativity of Economics, Princeton UP
Magala, S. 1988, Review of ‘Tropics of Discourse’, Przegląd Literatury Metodologicznej, no 5, pp. 39-40.
Malczewski, Sz. 2009, “Metodologie” Jerzego Topolskiego [„Methodologies” of Jerzy Topolski], Historyka. Studia Metodologiczne 2009, vol. 39, pp. 89-120.
Nowak, L. 1977, Wstęp do idealizacyjnej teorii nauki [Introduction to the Idealizational Theory of Science], PWN, Warszawa.
Nowak, L. 1980, The Structure of Idealization. Towards a Systematic Interpretation of Marxian Idea of Science, Reidel, Dordrecht.
Nowak, L. 1991, Thoughts Are Facts of Possible Worlds. Truths Are Facts of a Given World, Dialectica, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 273-287.
Nowak, L. 2000, ‘The Idealizational Approach to Science. A New Survey’, in I. Nowakowa, L. Nowak, Idealization X: The Richness of Idealization, Rodopi, Amsterdam 2000, pp. 109-184
Nowakowa, I., L. Nowak 2000, Idealization X: The Richness of Idealization, Rodopi, Amsterdam.
Paul, H. 2011, Hayden White. The Historical Imagination, University Press, Cambridge.
Pomorski, J. 1986, Hayden White: historyzm jako relatywizm językowy w historiografii [Hayden White: Historicism as Linguistic Relativism in Historiography], Annales Universitates Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, vol. 11, no 12, pp. 189-202.
Pomorski, J. 1990, Wprowadzenie: spory wokół narracji historycznej [Preface: Controversies around Historical Narrative], in Metodologiczne problemy narracji historycznej ed. J. Pomorski, Wyd. UMCS, Lublin.
Pomorski, J. 2002, Jak uprawiać metodologię historii? Wokół koncepcji Jerzego Topolskiego [How To Do Methodology of History. Among Concepts of Jerzy Topolski], in Światooglądy historiograficzne, ed. J. Pomorski, Wyd. UMCS, Lublin.
Quiggin, J. 2011, Zombie Economics. How Dead Ideas Still Walk Among Us, University Press, Princeton.
Rescher, N. 1995, Pluralism. Against the Demand for Consensus, University Press, Oxford.
Topolski, J. 1983, Teoria wiedzy historycznej [Theory of Historical Knowledge], Wydawnictwo Poznańskie, Poznań.
Topolski, J. 1996, Jak się pisze i rozumie historię. Tajemnice narracji historycznej [How to Write and Understand History. The Secrets of Historical Narrative], Rytm, Warszawa.
White, H. 1973, Metahistory. The Historical Imagination in Nineteenth Century Europe, The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore/London.
White, H. 1978, Tropics of Discourse. Essays in Cultural Criticism, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore/London.
White, H. 1989, Zagadnienie przemiany w historii literatury [The Problem of Change in Literary Criticism], Pamiętnik Literacki, no. 1, pp. 277-293.
White, H. 1990, Problem narracji we współczesnej teorii historii [The Question of Narrative in Contemporary Historical Theory], in ed. J. Pomorski, Metodologiczne problemy narracji historycznej, Wyd. UMCS, Lublin 1990.
White, H. 2000, Poetyka pisarstwa historycznego [The Poetics of Historical Writings], eds. E. Domańska, M. Wilczyński, Universitas, Kraków (second edition 2010).
White, H. 2009, Proza historyczna [Historical Prose], ed. E. Domańska, Universitas, Kraków.