Review of Pothiti Hantzaroula, Child Survivors of the Holocaust in Greece: Memory, Testimony and Subjectivity

Apr 15, 2024
Holocaust survivors children Greece memory Book review
This article reviews Pothiti Hantzaroula's Child Survivors of the Holocaust in Greece: Memory, Testimony and Subjectivity (Routledge, 2020). It highlights how Hantzaroula’s book represents a needed and much welcome addition to the study of child survivors of World War II by offering students and scholars of the Holocaust a comprehensive insight into the specifics of Greece, which can serve as a basis for subsequent comparative or kindred assessments in the case of other Southeastern European countries.
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Mihăilescu, D. (2024). Review of Pothiti Hantzaroula, Child Survivors of the Holocaust in Greece: Memory, Testimony and Subjectivity. Historein, 21(2).
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