Vol. 21 No. 2 (2024): Gendering the Mixed Economies of Welfare: Ruptures and Trajectories in Postwar Europe

Published: 2024-04-15
Editorial Committee: Ada Dialla, Effi Gazi, Giorgos Plakotos, Emilia Salvanou, Elias Stouraitis, Athena Syriatou
Issue Editors: Efi Avdela, Lindsey Earner-Byrne, Dimitra Lampropoulou
Cover Image: Demos Tsormpatzoglou, “Untitled”, detail, hand cut collage on canvas, 2016
Cover Design: Panagiotis Papidas
Gendering the Mixed Economies of Welfare
Ruptures and Trajectories in Postwar Europe. Introduction
Efi Avdela, Lindsey Earner-Byrne, Dimitra Lampropoulou
Motherhood and Childcare
Agents in the Francoist “Social State”
María Ángela Cenarro Lagunas
Gender and Anticommunism in Children’s Social Protection in Postwar Greece
The Role of Royal Foundations
Efi Avdela, Dimitra Lampropoulou