Did the Maids Return? The Long History of Devaluing Care Work and the Mixed Economy of Welfare

Published: Apr 15, 2024
Long-term care old age servants migration welfare state care labour family
Nicole Kramer

For several years now, sociologists studying paid domestic care work have been arguing that the servant culture of the nineteenth century has returned. They focus on specific forms of care work: that done as informal or illegal employment, mostly carried out by migrants. To an historian, such a reference to the past is most intriguing. This article looks at the servant of the past to shed new light on the emergence of an informal labour market for care work. After outlining the arguments of sociologists about “the return of the maids”, it looks back at the history of servants. What was their role regarding long-term care for older disabled people? Furthermore, it sketches the changes regarding professional care at home and, finally, sheds some light on the emergence of a shadow market where migrants offer their services. In doing so, families should be brought into focus as agents of care within the mixed economy of welfare.

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Author Biography
Nicole Kramer, University of Cologne

Nicole Kramer is Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Cologne. She graduated from the Department of History of the Ludwigs-Maximilians-University of Munich. She was a lecturer at the Goethe-University of Frankfurt and researcher at the University of Nottingham and the German Historical Institute in Rome. She has worked on the gender history of the Third Reich, the development of European Welfare State, the history of long term care policies and ageing in the 20th century. Her recent research deals with the history of old age, care, and the twentieth-century welfare state in Europe. Among her recent publications are: “Looking into the History of Health Care: Italian and German Perspectives,” Annali dell’Istituto storico italo-germanico 48, no. 1 (2022): 9–20 (together with Anna Grillini) and “Prekäre Geschäfte: Privatisierung und Vermarktlichung der Altenpflege im deutsch-englischen Vergleich,” Zeithistorische Forschungen/Studies in Contemporary History 17, no. 2 (2020): 234–60.

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