The thickness of time: the writing of history and appropriation of the past in Brazil, 1830-1930

Published: Jan 30, 2018
Brazilian history historiography experience of time
Helena Mollo
Rodrigo Turin
Fernando Nicolazzi
The recent Brazilian history of historiography perceives the period from 1830 to 1930 as a decisive one for the development of Brazilian historiography, be it for the definition of the disciplinary protocols that frame the historian’s work or for the emergence of problems concerning the disputes over and elaboration of a national identity. The importance of this century has already been established in works on the role of national institutions, such as the Brazilian Historical and Geographical Institute (IHGB) and the National Museum, and in works on the discursive dimensions of historiographical practice. Thus, a new way to consider the experience of time has been proposed, resulting in a thoughtful understanding of the history of historiography and its field. Therefore, this article aims to offer an overview of the different modulations of temporal experience that appear in nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Brazilian historiography, presenting some of the topoi that have organised and shaped it.
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Author Biographies
Helena Mollo, Federal University of Ouro Preto
Helena Mollo is an associate professor of theory of history and historiography at the Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto. She is the author of several articles on historiography, among them “Olhar o pasasdo onde ele (não) está: Araujo Porto-Alegre e a história do Brasil  a partir de Portugal” [Looking at the past where it is (not): Araujo Porto-Alegre and the history of Brazil as seen from Portugal], História da Historiografia (Mariana) 12 (2013): 213–227. Another area of interest is the history of science in Brazil, specially in the nineteenth century.
Rodrigo Turin, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Rodrigo Turin is an adjunct professor at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO). He conducted his postdoctoral research at the University of São Paulo in 2010, and was part of the “Ancient and Modern: dialogues on the writing of history?” research group, led by Francisco Murari Pires. His interests lie in history, history of historiography, history of history, intellectual history and history of anthropology. He is the author of several articles, among them “As (des)classificações do tempo: linguagens teóricas, historiografia e normatividade” [The (de) classifications of time: theoretical languages, historiography and normativity], Topoi 17 (2016): 586-601.

Fernando Nicolazzi, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)

Fernando Nicolazzi is an associate professor of theory of history and historiography at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul/UFRGS and researcher at the CNPq (National Research Council). He is the author of Um estilo de história. A viagem, a memória, o ensaio: sobre Casa-grande e senzala e a representação do passado [A style of history: the journey, the memory, the essay; on masters and slaves’ quarters and the representation of past] (Ed. Unesp, 2011) and of several articles about Brazilian historiography, French early modern historiography, the reading of history and the public uses of history.

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