Exploring the connections between dissociation and psychosis: A psychocybernetic perspective

Homo Virtualis Journal, Volume 7, Issue 1, 2024.
Published: Dec 24, 2024
cybernetics autonomic system resistance dissociation psychosis
Agnieszka Szymańska

This article aims to explore the application of the cybernetic model within the context of explaining the mechanisms behind the development of dissociation and psychosis. The analysis focuses on the cybernetic model, with particular attention to the autonomic system as proposed by Professor Marian Mazur. Priority is given to the role of the homeostat and the feedback mechanism, demonstrating how the homeostat is regulated through tension across the entire autonomic system. Additionally, the impact of the homeostat on tension regulation is discussed in the context of resistance phenomena, especially in situations where the system resists increasing emotional potential in the face of high sensory potential. The conclusions derived from the cybernetic model, presented in the final part of the article, shed new light on the possibility that dissociation may precede psychosis, challenging dominant beliefs in this area.

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