Call for Papers


Home Virtualis is a transdisciplinary double-blind peer-reviewed and open access journal for the publication of research papers, discussions and reviews on methodology and theory in the wider field of human complex systems, virtual communities, digital cultures, social networks, and social behaviour in blended (online/offline) techno-social environments, social computing and computational social sciences, cyber-governance and social simulation and artificial intelligence systems. It combines substantial and original knowledge production with open access, communicating efficiently recent scientific findings. Homo Virtualis is centered in social and behavioral sciences, humanities, education, health disciplines, from a reflexive and critical standpoint.

The journal especially focuses on virtual communities and complexity science as a way of doing research and theory, as well as of re-thinking about individuals, social groups, organizations, eco-systems and society. Homo Virtualis welcomes qualitative, quantitative and mixed research studies, as well as new experimental forms of communicating research combining multi modalities, digital artifacts and arts, adhering to the highest standards of peer review. We are interested in both theoretical and empirical papers, but our special focus is on transdisciplinary approaches integrating theory, research and practice.

Homo Virtualis welcomes both established and young scholars. It constitutes an international forum for scholars who seek to exchange knowledge and to generate understanding on the complexity of social behaviour and new media.

Homo Virtualis is published twice a year in a bilingual format (English/Greek). Individual items will be published as soon as they are ready on a rolling base in the current issue.

Homo Virtualis publishes original research papers, theoretical discussions, book reviews, and young scholars research (undergraduate and postgraduate) on respective sections. It also welcomes special issue proposals and proposals for interviews.

Please get in touch with the editor if you wish to discuss ideas or work in progress which may be suitable for publication.

All submissions will be read anonymously by a minimum of two reviewers, and as such are subject to double blind academic peer review.