
Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The Article furnished to the journal is an original work, it has not been published previously, nor is it under consideration for publication elsewhere, either in print or in electronic form.
  • To the best of my knowledge the Article does not defame any person, does not invade the privacy of any person, and does not in any other manner infringe upon the rights of any person.
  • The Article does not in any way violate intellectual property rights of third parties. Wherever permission is required, I have obtained it from the copyright holder.
  • I have read and I accept the Copyright Policy and have prepared the manuscript according to the Author Guidelines of the Journal
  • I grant to the journal a royalty‐free, worldwide nonexclusive license perform all necessary actions to publish first the article in an issue of the Journal.
  • I retain ownership and/or I am the lawful right-holder of all rights under copyright in the Article, and I reserve all right not expressly granted in this Agreement
  • The Journal reserves the right to further license the Article to any third party in order to be further used, distributed or communicated to the public by any means, including the Internet or other electronic communications.
  • In any case of re‐publication of the Article, the Journal should require permission by the Author.
  • I have the full power and authority to provide the warranties and agree to the license granted by virtue of verifying all the above statements.

Author Guidelines

If not already a registered user, you must register as an author to submit a paper

If you have already registered, upgrade your profile by choosing the option “author” in the “Roles” field.

Detailed instructions for submission of studies may be found here.


The Greek Political Science Review publishes only original papers that are part of the relevant subject matter and have not been published (in any form and in whole or in part) in another journal or book. Papers without adequate link to the subject bibliography that deal with or that do not meet internationally established scientific requirements are rejected. The Editorial Board decides whether a text meets the requirements to be advanced for reviewing.

Paper submission requires registration of the journal’s online publication system. Texts are submitted in .odt, .doc, or .docx. Dissertation presentations or book reviews / book presentations must not exceed 2,000 words in total. Papers submitted as articles must not exceed 9,000 words in total, along with tables, charts, and bibliography. Papers must be in Greek or English. The authors take care of linguistic editing of the texts, which is one of the criteria for their evaluation, and they are accompanied by:

a)      Abstract in Greek up to lines  (up to 100  words),

b)      Abstract in English up to lines  (up to 100  words),

c)       the name of the author (s) and the title of the paper in English,

d)       status of the author (s) in Greek and English and his / her e-mail address,

e)       keywords: after the abstracts, there should be up to 5 as follows:

f)       After the Greek abstract as follows: Keywords: πολιτικά κόμματα, κομματική ταύτιση, πολιτικές ιδεολογίες, ηγεσία, οργάνωση.

g)      After the English abstract as follows: Keywords: political parties, party identification, political ideologies, leadership, organization.

h)     Short CV in the following format:

  • Name
  • Surname
  • Qualifications
  • Scientific expertise and areas of interest

• Contact details, email, phone


Bibliographical citations and bibliography - bibliographical references

• Bibliographic citations are made in the text (in-text citation) instead in the form of footnotes and endnotes. They follow the Harvard system of referencing and are in the form of: Butler, 2002 / Butler, 2002:56 / Butler, 2002:42-88 / Butler, 2002a / Butler 2002b / Butler, 2002, 2005, 2006 / Butler and Johnson, 2003 / Butler, 2004; Johnson, 2015; Ferguson, 2016.

Bibliography is quoted at the end and books in Greek language are come first. References are as follows:


McAdam, Doug. [1982] 1999, Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency 1930-1970, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Olson, Mancur. 1968, The Logic of Collective Action, New York: Shocken Books.

Della Porta, Donatella, and Mario Diani. 2006, Social Movements: An Introduction, 2nd edition, Malden: Blackwell.


Kitschelt, Herbert. 1986, Political Opportunity Structures and Political Protest: Anti-Nuclear Movements in Four Democracies, British Journal of Political Science 16(1), pp. 57-85.

Snow, David, Burke Rochford, Steven Worden, and Robert Benford. 1986, Frame Alignment Processes, Micro-mobilization, and Movement Participation, American Sociological Review 51(4), pp. 464-481.

Collective volumes:

Goldstone, Jack, Ted Robert Gurr, and Frank Moshiri, eds. 1991, Revolutions of the Late Twentieth Century, Boulder: Westview Press.

Johnston, Hank. 2002, Verification and Proof in Frame and Discourse Analysis, in Methods of Social Movement Research, Bert Klandermans and Suzanne Staggenborg, eds. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, pp. 65-95.


Gerber, Beth. 2003, Spring Antiglobalization Movement, προσπέλαση 15 Ιουνίου 2003.


The headings of the chapters must be in capital letters, while the sub-chapters in lowercase and italics.

The numbering (if any) of the chapters and sub-chapters is as follows:

1. 1.1. 1.2.

2. 2.1. 2.2. etc.


Quotations are placed in angular quotation marks "...". When exceeding the three lines it is preferable to list them in a separate paragraph with a shorter line spacing than the rest of the text.

Charts, Tables and Graphs  

If the paper includes Charts, Tables and Graphs, the originals are sent included in the text.

Their numbering in the text is in Arabic digits: The reference of the Table (or Chart or Charts) precedes in the text (as follows: According to the Table 1) followed by the Table (the Graph or Chart).

Tables, Charts and Graphs are accompanied by clear titles written in italics, which are placed above them align in the center. If they are drawn from another source, this should be reported in the lower left part of the Table/ Chart / Chart / Graph.

Numbers and  unit of measurment

All numeric reports are written in full. For units of measurement, the International Unit System is used to measure physical quantities. For quoting rates, a comma and a single digit (e.g., 16.3%) are used.


The specifications for using images within the text are as follows:

Black and white scans: Black and white scans must be produced from high quality originals (grayscale mode, TIFF format). Their digital resolution should be 350 dpi at 100% of the desired size.

Color scans: Color scans are subjected to a 350 dpi digital resolution at 100% of the desired size (RGB mode, TIFF format).

Maps, drawings

Maps or drawings must be accompanied by a compass and scaling scale.


Republishing of papers published in the Greek Political Science Review requires permission from the Editorial Board.

Papers that do not follow these instructions are not acceptable.

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