Social integration and social marginalization in the elections 2007 : estimations for the crisis of political representation of middle classes

Παναγής Παναγιωτόπουλος
This article seeks to examime the terms on which the social integration and the danger of social marginalization were expressed in the parliamentary elections of 2007. In order to achieve this purpose we follow an empirical elaboration of selected aspects of the “social identity of the vote”, constructing a vertical axis supplementary to the usual one between left/right. This axis enables us to find out that the diminishment of the power of the two parties running for government -and especially that of PASOK- reflects less a social downtrend and more a tension of political radicalism followed by the partial demand (request) of the middle class for cultural representation. The correlation of profession, education and vote, clarifies that the “left vote” -in sociological terms- is internally differentiated up to an extraordinary range (between KKE and SYRIZA). Additionally, it reveals the significant reversal of the sociological analogies between PASOK and ND. Finally the article comments and interprets the middle social strata’s dispersed political representation (as it was expressed in the elections of September 2007) in relation to the parties’ predominate modes of discourse and presentation. 
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