Images of political culture in Greece : political participation and the myth of de-politicised “Greek”

Γιώργος Διακουμάκος
This article examines how political participation in Greece changed during the last twenty years according to empirical data taken from two research projects, one of 1988 (EKKE) and one of 2005 (University of Athens). While the data verify that the political interest has dropped to very low levels, the thorough analysis of the open question concerning why the respondent is or is not interested in politics proves that the Greek political culture has undergone deep changes that go beyond the question of “high” or “low” levels of interest. In fact, the individuals who claim to be interested in politics show a much more “political” way of thinking compared to 1988, while the widespread indifference about politics does not so much reflect to political apathy, but is rather caused mostly by disappointment from the political system. 
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