Multiculturalism and anti-nationalist dicourse in modern Greece : a critical overview

Ρόζα Βασιλάκη
The paper examines the articulation and the ideological cum theoretical assumptions of the discourse about ‘difference’ in Greece during the past two decades. For analytical purposes, the paper distinguishes the two key players claiming ideological authority in the field: the Non Governmental Organizations and the socio-political configurations of the extra-parliamentary Left. Even if the discourse on ‘difference’ is composed by heterogeneous and often contradictory and antagonistic trends, it can be generally described as inspired by an ‘anti’ or ‘meta’ nationalist perspective, the promotion of tolerance, the accommodation and protection of difference, the widening of participation in the administration of power, and, in some cases, even the overall change of the existing social structure. The paper engages with the discourse about ‘difference’ by identifying the key players, analytically separating its trends, discussing its categories and assumptions and considering the intellectual environment of its production and the consequences of diffusion. 
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