The Europeanization of Greek immigration and asylum policies: communitarization of collective supervision?

Ιωάννης Παπαγεωργίου

The European Union and Greece started both dealing with asylum and immigration matters more or less at the same time, around the mid-1980s. This article analyzes these policies and examines the causes that led to their adoption and the reasons for possible differentiations as well as the osmosis between these two. In particular, it examines the impact the increasingly binding EU policies had on the Greek legislative framework and, indirectly, on the revisiting of Greek policies and practices. The article is structured around three basic parts. Firstly, it examines the gradual harmonization of asylum and migration policies in the EU, the kind of policies thus adopted and the more general trend reflected by these policies. At a second stage, it examines the gradual establishment of a Greek framework for migration and international protection, the causes and the main features of such policies and the problems arisen. Finally, a third part delves on the process of Europeanization of national Greek policies through the gradual acceptance and transposition of EU relevant legislation as well as its limitations and specific characteristics.

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