Contentious politics, collective action, social movements

Σεραφείμ I. Σεφεριάδης
This paper examines major theoretical developments and controversies in contentious politics, a field in dynamic growth. The review is done by means of a cognitive collage: associations of different data levels, text and symbols in manner effecting a transition from latent semantics to spatial hypertext. Issues examined include: the genealogy and historical prerequisites of the social movement; the influence of social and institutional structures (political opportunities and threats); contentious repertoires; the role of values and cultural framings; the question of organizational dilemmas; cycles of contention; and the thorny problem of assessing movement outcomes. Although the focus is on depicting scholarly debates and the evolution of the field, attention is also paid on practical synchronies: how can we describe the nature of the current conjuncture? What sorts of challenges does globalization pose?
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