Administrative culture, reform and politics. The case of the National School of Public Administration

Δημήτρης B. Παπούλιας
Δημήτρης A. Σωτηρόπουλος
Χαράλαμπος I. Οικονόμου
This article argues that the culture which prevails in an organization shapes the nature of this organization and structures organizational reality. In the case of the Greek National School of Public Adminstration (ESDD), there is a pathological organizational culture reflected in a vicious circle. The vicious circle includes the Schools entrance examinations, the academic program, and the absorption of the Schools graduates by the central public administration. Both the culture prevailing in the School and the resistance of the entrenched civil service in the central administration have impeded administrative reform through the production of high-ranking administrative staff, which was the School’s original purpose.
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