The elevation of Critique

Μανώλης Αγγελίδης
The contribution of Kosmas Psychopedis’ politico-theoretical argument towards the reformulation of critical theory is the subject-matter of this article. We follow this argument from the Inquiries on Kant’s Political Philosophy up to the Norms and the Antinomies of Politics. This argument is consisted in the elaboration and development of a critical epistemology, from which the possibility of treating the problems of modem societies will arise, as they are posed in an environment of crisis and in the interest of suspending it. It is argued that it is an interest that is posed from the standpoint of human emancipation, of solidarity and of preserving human life. The development of this epistemology is identical with the socio theoretical programme of elevating critique, as it is synthesized by Kosmas Psychopedis.
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