The influence of nationalism on the political integration of the European Union

Νέλλη Ψαρρού
The object of analysis in this article is the political integration of the EU. Specifically, it attempts to identify the essence and real meaning of the so- called political integration, thus contributing to this intense and interesting debate; intense as it involves the political views and ideologies of the participants in it, or at least their hopes and prospects, and also interesting as it concerns the contemporary political and social developments that affect the every-day lives and future of the citizens of the member-states of the EU. The argument is that the EU is eventually becoming a state, let alone a national state, and that the conveyors of political ideologies in Europe are involved in a nationalistic building of ‘Europe’. This argument is based on the basic definitions offered by the theories of nationalism, in the first place, and then unfolds through the comparative assessment of empirical data and through context analysis of relevant texts.
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