The dilemma of the dominant and the fears of the rest

Γιάννης Βοΰλγαρης
The article reviews the three distinct phases that the relation of USA with the rest of the world has gone through the last thirty years, as well as the views that have been proposed on the subject of “American hegemony”. I propose a framework of analytical postulates that result mainly from the gramscian origin theory of R.W. Cox on the formation of hegemonic world orders, andR. Gilpin’s analysis of the political economy of the international relations of the period under examination. These postulates provide useful clarifications on the conditions and the prerequisites of hegemony. Based on this, I support the view that regards the USA as the “indispensable” but not hegemonic power and considers that the current world system goes through a confiictual phase just because of the contradictory status of the USA and the way it is being experienced. USA is too strong to be equal, but not enough to be “the Prince”.
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