The "illumination" of the public: Cinematographic newsreel regarding Greece's relations with NATO, 1961-1968

Δημήτριος Πανταβός
The examination of the relations between Greece and nato through the newsreels of the 1961-1968 period shows the way in which the official goveminent propaganda reflected the dominant perception for NATO and its role. In 1961-1963 reports about NATO are continuous, in 1964, as a new Cyprus crisis erupts, they are limited, in 1965 there is none, in the next two years they are short, while during the two first years of the dictatorship, even secondary nato issues are presented extensively. The alternation of governments involved minor changes in the projection of NATO in the newsreels. However, certain immutable structures existed, mainly that the alliance, a pioneer for peace and prosperity, guarantees the territorial integrity of the country. The Greek newsreels show that NATO was a major option for all political forces that exercised power in the 1960s.
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