The opening of the Greek companies to the Balkan markets might have important negative consequences in the development of the country

Published: Dec 1, 2017
Political Science
Λόης Λαμπριανίδης
The recent opening of the Balkan markets was, and to a certain extent still is, a significant opportunity for the Greek economy and even more so for the economy of Northern Greece. However, what appears today as a “powerful” position of Greek companies in the Balkans is due mainly to the fact that investors from the developed countries have a wait-and-see attitude. The opening of the Balkan markets, where there is a demand for products that are not necessarily of the highest quality, provides the necessary time span, in order to modernize the productive basis of the Greek economy. So that in the medium term Greece will be able, on the one hand to improve its trade balance with the developed countries while on the other, to increase its share in the Balkan countries where the situation is going to change soon. Will also be to be significant drawbacks emerging frame to Greek investments in the Balkans. That is, in the short term there will to be a significant reduction in the number of jobs available in certain branches in certain areas, while in the long run it might undermine attempts to restructure Greek industry so as to produce high quality products that are competitive in the international market. Efforts to maximize the benefits due to the new opportunities opened to the Greek economy as well as to minimize the hazards must not be left to individual entrepreneurs.
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