Alternative social movements: Searching for the possible between subjective needs and state policies

Published: Dec 1, 2017
Political Science
Μιχάλης Ψημίτης

In spite of the simplifying or ideologically manipulating patterns that are used today in order to analyse them, alternative social movements give a permanent meaning to the organized contestation of dominant social and intersubjective relationships. On the level of social theory, these movements contributed with their action to the revision of basic theoretical categories of contemporary reality.
The article examines movements as derived both from the explosion of subjective needs, which are connected with cultural consequences of social development, and the welfare state policies. The complex nature of movements causes contradictionary behaviours.
Within the framework of welfare state the reality of social rights constitutes a contradictory field of action for both the state and the alternative movements. In the sense that this is where both the cohesion of the state policies and the consistence of movements activities are tested.

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