Regarding the formation of the Greek working class: Some old debates revisited

Published: Dec 4, 2017
Political Science
Σεραφείμ Σεφεριάδης
The purpose of this article is to adumbrate the process of working-class formation in Greece in the period 1870-1936. The discussion is organized on the basis of a heuristic continuum constructed along the dimension «links with the countryside», that was recently proposed by Liakos, and explores developments both at the level of the changing employment structure/labor market and that of the subjective predispositions of workers as witnessed by the evolution of class struggle. Upon taking issue with several versions (old and new) of the myth that tends to portray Greece as a country of relatively placated «owners», and upon exploring both the «objective» and the «subjective» make-up of selected sectors of the laboring populations (both the solid proletarian core and the far more numerous laboring poor of the «informal sector»), the argument is put forward that despite the many structural and conjunctural impediments (such as the continually fluid employment structure, the initial failure of the native working class to integrate the Asia Minor refugees, the aggravated problem of unemployment, and the intensifying coerciveness of the State), the process of working-class formation was well advancing during the interwar years. In fact, as the period drove to a close, and despite the institutionalized movement’s continuing organizational malaise, labor’s collective «we seems to have acquired a distinctive identity and even attractiveness for the many downtrodden layers of society. To substantiate this thesis, reliance is made on primary material collected during this author’s field research on the evolution of the labor movement, and other previous work measuring labor militancy in the period 1919-1936.
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