Modern means, traditional ends: The constitutional discourse of the Church of Greece

Published: Feb 11, 2018
Church of Greece religious populism constitutional discourse rights of the majority
Ακρίτας Καϊδατζής (Akritas Kaidatzis)

The invocation of the people, the constitution and rights occupies an important place in the public discourse of the Church of Greece. Its constitutional discourse is populist and rights-laden. The Church talks in the name of “its” people and as the voice of the people’s will against its rulers. And it defends the rights of the majority, understood as the rights of its believers. Its constitutional discourse shows that the church exploits the achievements of modernity for the promotion of pre-modern ends, such as the preservation of its privileges and the prolongation of its role in the public sphere.

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Ακρίτας Καϊδατζής (Akritas Kaidatzis), Law School Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Assistant Professor
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