Η κτητορική επιγραφή του ναού των Αγίων Αναργύρων στα Σέρβια Κοζάνης

Ιωάννης Π. Χουλιαράς
The votive inscription of the church of Saints Anargyroi in Servia, presents damages on the spot where the year of decoration is being mentioned.According to A. Xyggopoulos, who has published the monument, the year ofdecoration has to be read as ZPH (=1600) or, less possible, as ZIH (=1510).The research on the spot, though, as well as the remnants of the letter between Z and H, lead to the supposition that this letter should be better identified as an I. This possibility brings us to the point of dating the wall decoration back in the year 1510, a date which is in accordance to the air and styleof the frescoes.Consequently, then, the time of the prelacy of the bishop of ServiaGerontios, who is being mentioned on the inscription, has to be transposedarround the year mentioned above.
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