The refrigerators of Harilaos in Thessaloniki

Ανδρέας Θ. Δεληγιάννης
Δημήτρης Ι. Παπαδημητρίου

In 1986 closes down the company «Refrigerators of Macedonia-Epameinon Harilaos S.A.»-. A company which was founded by the allies as «Frigorifie Installation (Entrepot Frigorifique) to provide meat for the Macedonian front during World War I. The company was attached to the méat distribution network (steamers and railways) of the allies. Its technologic­ al standards were the highest of this period. Its attribution was due to careful thermoisolation and the diesel frigorifie ammoniac machinery. After the war the company is bought by E. Harilaos. It copes firstly with the army needs and then with those of the civilians. During the seventies with the introduction of the refrigerators in the household and the growth of other frigorifie installations, the downfall of the company starts. With its closing down, ends the «period of ice» for the town and another testimony for the unique contribution of E. Harilaos in the economy of modern Greece is vanishing.

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