Excavation of a neolithic settlement at Thermi: excavational season 1967

Δ. Β. Γραμμένος
Μαρία Παππά
Ντ. Ούρεμ-Κώτσος
Κατερίνα Σκουρτοπούλου
Ευτ. Γ. Γιαννούλη
Μπεττίνα Τσιγαρίδα

The preliminary report for the excavational season of 1987 of the Neolithic Settlement in Thermi (Thermi B) is a collective work and in this form it will continue to be published also for the future excavational seasons. In this report D. B. Grammenos, director of the excavation, at­ tempts a general introduction concerning the Neolthic researche in Ma­ cedonia and its broader area, as well as the specific excavation. M. Pappa refers to the excavation of the settlement, and the organization of the space, giving the up to date evidence of the excavation in relation to the remains of the Neolithic settlements in Macedonia. D. Ourem-Kotsos studies the ceramic, taking into account the known ceramic categories. K. Skourtopoulou examines the implements consting almost exclusively of tools and the raw materials of pyrites flint. E. Giannouli studies the pa- laeozoological material. Finally B. Tsigarida deals with the tombs of historical period, found in the of the fill prehistoric treuches.

The settlement belongs to the category of the large Neolithic settlements of the Southern borders of Vinca (e.g. Vasilika) and without the intervention of the Archaeological Service, the site whose size is more than 100 acres, would be used as an expansion of the contemporary settlement of Thermi.


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