The «books» of the mysic teacher Ioassaf and the Library of the monastery of Ikossiphinissa of Pangaion

Γιώργος Κ. Παπάζογλου

In this work, based on a document addressed by the Patriarch Anthimos IV to the monastery Dionysiou in Mt Athos — a document we publish —, we are studying an unknown side of the relationship between the music teacher Ioassaf and the monastery of Ikossiphinissa.

The above mentioned music teacher, a monk of the monastery Dionysiou at the time when the document was sent, seems to have lived also for a period in the monastery of Ikossiphinissa and to which monastery he offered his rich collection of manuscripts of music and music books. We show therefore that the manuscripts and books of music of the Library of Ikossiphinissa were those of Ioassaf. We also provide a) information about the life of the music teacher and b) an index of 44 music manuscripts- (and some books) of the monastery Dionysiou today, which belonged to Ioassaf.

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