Idiomatic Archaisms and Northern Greek idioms: the Archaisms in the idiom of Velvendo in Western Macedonia

Α. Ι. Θαβώρης

Taking as his cue E. Douga-Papadopoulou’s article on the archaisms in the idiom of Velvendo in W. Macedonia (Makedonika 29 (1994) 238-255), the writer, who both speaks and studies the idiom, first examines the question of idiomatic archaisms —particularly those of the northern modern Greek idioms— in relation to the idiomatic glossaries and modern Greek koine, having noted a number of serious errors in Douga-Papadopoulou’s article. He enu­ merates these, the most serious being the fact that she has no clear conception of what phonetic, morphological, and lexical idiomatic archaisms actually are.

As a result, she includes in her article, as idiomatic archaisms, a number of idiomatic words that belong to modern Greek koine. The writer also points out some specific and more general omissions, chief among which is the absence of a main bibliography. 

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