New information on the revolutions of 1821-1829 and 1854 in Macedonia

Απόστολος Ε. Βακαλόπουλος

In the above study the author supplies new evidence—based on unpub­ lished documents of the extraordinary commissary of Western Sterea Hellas, Konstantinos Rados and the consul of Russia in Thessaloniki, Angelos Moustoxidis—which throws some light on the unstable situation in the mountain religions of Macedonia mainly in those of Olympus, Vermion and Chalkidiki, created by the activities of the old Greek armatoles and klephts between 1828-1833.

Furthermore by drawing some information from unpublished reports of the Austrian consul in Thessaloniki G. Nizzoli and the corresponding ones of his French colleague in the same town Louis de Mornard, Ap. E. Vakalopoulos proceeds to evaluate the revolutionary events in Chalkidiki during 1854, after the landing of 850 men under Tsamis Karatassos in Sykia, on the bay of Mt Athos and in Ormylia, on the bay of Kassandra.

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