Ten documents concerning the Olympian fighters Anagnostis and Mihalis Pitsavas

Κώστας Σπανός

The writer presents ten unpublished documents from the Fighters’ Ar­chives in the National Library in Athens, containing information about the lives of two fighters in the Greek War of Independence.

Anagnostis Pitsavas fought in the War of Independence from 1822 to 1828 under the command of Nikolaos Diamandis Olymbios, Karatassos, and Nikolaos Kriezotis. He also took part in the revolution of 3 September 1843, two of the ringleaders of which were Makriyannis and Kaleryis.

His uncle, Mihalis Pitsavas, fought at his side between 1822 and 1828, and died in Arahova in 1832. 

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