Communal education in the ecclesiastical province of Kastoria

Σοφία Ηλιάδου-Τάχου

The archive of the Diocese of Kastoria was found in sacks under the altar of a church near the cathedral. Unpublished and unsorted, it consists in a large number of loose manuscripts relating to the financial affairs of the schools of Kastoria and the appointment of teaching staff in the period 1840-1886.

The importance of the archive lies in the fact that it is the only extant source of information about local history in the period in question, and it is of vital importance for reconstructing educational activity in the town.

The archive stops at 1886, which was when the removal of the school to its new premises was completed. For the period between 1886 and the time when Kastoria was incorporated into the Greek state, there is no primary ar­ chival material relating to the Kastoria area and its schools. 

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