Two relief stelae from the nome of Kozani

Γ. Καραμήτρου-Μεντεσίδη

A. The marble grave stele of the Archaeological Collection of Kozani,
index No 939, is an accidental finding and comes from the lignite mine at
Kardia-Ptolema'is. Its measurements are: remaining height 1 m, width 0,66
m, depth ±0,15 m. It is ornamented relief in two parts. On the lower part is
represented a male figure greeting a standing woman; to the right the smaller
figure of a slave serving. The representation known as «dexiossis» was very
common throughout the antique world, and is interpretated as a farewell
movement between two relatives or friends. On the upper part and to the
right is represented a male riding figure, probably the same honoured dead
as on the previous part, in a scene reflecting some capacity or activity of his
earthly life. The stele is influenced by the Attic classical style and can be da­
ted to the late Hellenistic period.

B. The relief marble stele of the Archaeological Collection of Aiani- Kozani, index No 266, is also an accidental finding and comes from the site Aghios Demetrius of the same community. Its measurements are: remaning height 0,53 m, width 0,39 m, depth 0,10 m. On the stele is represented a male rider moving peacefully to the right; below the horse a hunting dog and to the background a smaller male figure. This last one is interpretated as the figure of a slave-page. There is an attempt to indicate the difference between the illustrational rendering of this figure in reliefs of W. Macedonia and in those of other regions. Finally, the stele is considered a grave stele and is dated to the late 2nd-early 3rd C A.D.

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