Ο φιλικός χαρτοφύλαξ Νικηφόρος ο Ιβηρίτης και η ανέκδοτος αυτού αλληλογραφία

Αθανάσιος Γρ. Γερομιχαλός

In the Library of the Patriarchal and Stauropigiakon Monastery of Iviron, on Mount Athos, there are preserved three files full of unpublished documents; they bear the name of Nikephoros the Chartophylax, a monk of the above mensioned monastery. Two of the files containthree hundred and fourteen documents of correspondence dating from 1794-1839; the third contains fourtyseven undated documents of personal correspondence. The worldly name of the monk Nikephoros, his decent and age, are still unknown. From the above documents, however, some information about him may be drawn:
1. Early in his life he was honored by the Ecumenical Patriarch with the office of Chartophylax; this office was given only to the educated persons.
2. In 1794 he was sent to Ylachia as a representative of his monastery, in order to arrange the affairs regarding its property. There it was that he became familiar with the activities of Greeks in Russia, Vlachia and other countries, who were trying to find the means for the liberation of Greece from the Turks.
3. During his seven-year stay in Constantinople (1808 - 1815) he came into contact with many persons associated with the «Friendly Society».
4. On January 1st 1819 Nikephoros accompanied Patriarch Gregorios who left the monastery of Iviron, and went to Constantinople where he was to be re-established after his exile. Later Nikephoros met with members of the «Friendly Society». In Constantinople, he was appointed by the Patriarch as his personal secretary, and he had positive contacts with Emmanuel Pappas, an ardent patriot from Serrai.
5. After the Patriarch had been hung (April 10, 1821), Nikephoros followed a chieftain or functionary of the «Friendly Society» to assist him in the work for Greek national cause.
6. On May 1821 Nikephoros again went to Mount Athos where he met Pappas who appointed him as plenipotentiary during the Greek struggle against the Turks for the liberation of Halkidiki and Macedonia. A month later (June 27th) Nikephoros was appointed «Governor and Judge of Holy Mountain», and remained until the end of the struggle.
7. After Pappas’ failure to carry on the fight against the Turks,Nikephoros was persecuted, but fled to Skopelos, then Nauplion, and finally to Athens. There he worked for the Nation, Mount Athos, and particularly his monastery. 

We have no information about when or where he died.

In the forgoing article thirty three documents are published, from the correspondence files of Nikephoros the Chartophylax


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