The synodic judgement for the final reinstantement of Methodios Anthrakitis

Ευστάθιος Πελαγίδης

The historical research was detained some years ago, by the trials and condemnations of Methodios Anthrakitis in local and Patriarchical Synods. But the report of his persecutions by the official church, that is known to us until now, went back to the Synodic Judgement of November 1723 that rein­ stated him «under conditions».

A later Act of the Synod (1st June 1725) is published for the first time by this study. This Act enlightens many points of his life, teaching and hard­ ships in the period between 1723-1725. By this Act, which was entered in the Code of the Metropolis of Kastoria 1665-1769 (National Library of Greece 2753), the Patriarch Jeremias the Third reminds metropolitans basically of the previous judgement (November 1723) and insists on the need of its practice.

But by attaching no importance to later slanders against Anthrakitis, it is sure that it stabilizes his reinstatement in the priesthood and in his instructive deed, although he will be obliged to follow firmly the Patriarchate’s order in his lessons and writings.

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