The founder’s inscription of the church of the Holy Apostles (Haghii Apostoli) in Kastoria and the painter Onuphrios

Γιώργος Γκολομπίας

In this study the author first makes a new attempt to read the founder’s inscription of the church of Haghii Apostoli in Kastoria and proves that the correct reading of two controversial words at the end of the inscription is «Αργήτης» and «Βενετιόν», showing respectively the painter Onuphrios’ origin place (i.e. Argos) and his place of living before he came to Kastoria in 1547 (i.e. Venice, and not Berat, as was believed till now by several Albanian and Greek scholars). Afterwards he mentions all the inscriptions that are found in the seven churches so far known which Onuphrios painted, and gives spe­ cial data for one of these churches, Haghii Anargiri (by the highschool) in Kastoria, where he points out the existence of two large icons on the altar screen, painted by Onuphrios and later partially over painted by another painter.

The correct reading of the sentence: «The painter was Onuphrios Argi- tis (who came) from the brilliant city of Venice» in the inscription of Haghii Apostoli, led the author to search for any references to Onuphrios’ existence in Venice before 1547. Thus he found the entry of the painter’s name in the archives of the Greek Brotherhood of Venice in 1534 and another reference to him in 1543. He also proves that the painter Onuphrios and a priest with the same name who is frequently mentioned in the Brotherhood’s archives during the years 1540-1545 were most possibly the same person.

The above data put an end to the question whether Onuphrios, one of the most eminent painters of frescoes and icons of the 16th century, studied painting in Venice or not, and whether he was of Albanian (as certain Albanian scholars have persistently maintained in numerous articles in the last years) or Greek nationality.

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