Greek documents from the historical archives of Ragusa (Dubrovnik)

Στέφανος Ι. Παπαδόπουλος

A brief introduction is followed by five unpublished Greek documents
found in the rich Archives of the well-known city of Ragusa (today known as Dubrovnik). These documents are as follows: (1) a protest (dated 1770) submitted to the Rector of the Republic of Ragusa by eight Greek merchants who were detained, for reasons unknown, in the city prisons: This document was found in the Archives together with a faithful translation into Italian: (2) an interesting contract which shows the charteringof a merchant ship fromRagusa by Greek merchants and which was drawn up at Beirut in October 1780: and (3-5) three reports (April-May 1801) sent by the vekil (representative) of
the Sublime Porte at Trieste, which was under Austrian domination, to the governor of the Turkish squadron which happened at the time to be in the ports of the Republic of Ragusa. In order to facilitate the understanding of the above texts, their publication is accompanied by some interpretative and explanatory notes.

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