The villages of the episcopacy of Kastoria and the names of dedicators of the «Prothesis» 421 at Grand Meteoron (1592/1593 - 19th Century)

Βασίλης Κ. Σπανός

Based on, as yet, unpublished parts of the «prothesis» (a church book in which are written the names of the dedicators, contributors and other memo­ randum of a monastery) 401 at Grand Meteoron, the writer here gives the names of 25 villages which have been listed as belonging to the Episcopacy of Kastoria. Six of those villages are no longer existing (two of them have not been located). Three, of the remaining nineteen, are administratively belonging to the prefecture of Kastoria, one for each prefecture of Pella, Grevena, Fiorina, Drama and another two of them are within the territories of FYROM.

Geographically speaking, and having taken into account the present terri­ tories of the metropolitan towns in the area, the writer reaches certain conclu­ sions as to which actually were the villages of that time had belonged to the Episcopacy of Kastoria and therefore believes the mentioning of these is wrong. Further down the writer gives the names of those villages of the above mentioned settlements who had contributed towards the monastery of Grand Meteoron in the years 1592/1593 and also during the 17th to 19th century. In evidence of all this, he publishes the relative parts of the «prothesis». 

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