The Macedonian kings and the oracles

Α. Κ. Καραδημητρίου
In this short study the oracles with reference to the Macedonian kings and their mythical ancestors are briefly mentioned and commented upon* Those oracles are divided into four groups: 1. Orales referring to the descent of the Heraclidae, which illustrate the struggles of the Dorians — ancestors of the Macedonians—up to their settlement in Greece. 2. Oracles referring to the foundation, the name and site of ancient Aigai, the first capital of Macedonia. 3. Oracles referring to the life, the political activities and the last period of the king of Macedonia Philip II and 4. Oracles referring to Alexander the Great, which give evidence of the young Macedonian king’s activities and his attitude towards divination and oracles. Please note that for reasons mentioned in the study, the oracles are presented without any challenge as to the authenticity of their origins.
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