
Liste de vérification de la soumission

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The Article submitted to MAKEDONIKA is an original work, it has not been published previously, nor is it under consideration for publication elsewhere, either in print or in electronic form.

  • To the best of my knowledge the Article does not defame any person, does not invade the privacy of any person, and does not in any other manner infringe upon the rights of any person.

  • The Article does not in any way violate intellectual property rights of third parties. Wherever permission is required, I have obtained it from the copyright holder.

  • I have read and I accept the Copyright Policy and have prepared the manuscript according to the Author Guidelines of the Journal.

  • I grant to the MAKEDONIKA a royalty‐free, worldwide nonexclusive license perform all necessary actions to publish first the article in an issue of the Journal.

  • I retain ownership and/or I am the lawful right-holder of all rights under copyright in the Articles, and I reserve all rights not expressly granted in this Agreement.

  • In any case of re‐publication of the Article, MAKEDONIKA will be given first publication acknowledgement authorized by me and all other co-authors.

  • I have the full power and authority to provide the warranties and agree to the license granted by virtue of verifying all the above statements.

Directives aux auteurs


Overview of manuscript submission procedure

Books for Review

Initial Submission

Submitting the revised manuscript

Requirements for Final Submission


Foreign words


Transcription using Latin letters


Photographs and legends



Numbers and measurements


Abbreviations of classical and medieval writers

Abbreviations of modern works and journals


Reproduction permissions

Copyright policy



The MAKEDONIKA journal publishes articles written in Greek, English, French, German and Italian. The following instructions refer to all five languages.

Overview of manuscript submission procedure

All papers that fall under the scope of the Journal are considered for publication provided they are original and have been submitted for publication to the MAKEDONIKA Journal only. Papers are submitted electronically only, to the Journal’s website. The Editorial Committee considers for publication articles that are the result of high quality research and are written using clear language. Submitted works are accepted for publication based solely on their scientific merit and on the results of blind evaluation made by the reviewers. Following this first evaluation, the revised articles that have incorporated any modifications suggested by the reviewers are published on the Journal’s website after completion of their language editing and layout setting, provided they are accompanied by all necessary documentation (e.g. illustrations and the corresponding copyright-holder’s permissions). The revised form of each article should have included any changes requested by the reviewers. It should also comply with the Journal’s formatting system, which is described in a following section. Articles are published in PDF format. Authors are responsible for language-editing their manuscripts so that they are acceptable for publication. In submitting a work for publication to the MAKEDONIKA Journal, all authors agree to abide to all international legislation on copyright.

Books for Review

Please send books for review to the following address: Person in charge for Book Reviews, MAKEDONIKA Journal, Ethnikis Amynis 4, 546 21, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Initial Submission

Works with a length of up to 25,000 words are submitted electronically to the Journal’s website as PDF files (a single file should be submitted, which must also include all illustrations, tables and legends). Longer articles will only be considered for publication in exceptional cases. The submitted manuscript must be accompanied by an abstract written in English of up to 150 words. The name or names of the author(s) must not appear anywhere in this file of initial submission, while all references made to previous articles of theirs should be made in the third person. The Editorial Committee has the right to reject works even prior any evaluation. Upon completion of the evaluation process, the Editorial Committee informs the author(s) on their decision to accept the article for publication as is or with modifications or to reject it. Also, it informs the authors on the content of their evaluations. In case of contradicting evaluations, the work is sent to a third reviewer.

Submitting the revised manuscript

Authors are invited to submit their articles in their final form within two months from the date they received notification that their article was accepted for publication. The revised version should include the modifications suggested by the reviewers. No major changes are allowed after final submission. The revised article should follow the manuscript organization requirements explained below under “Final Submission Requirements” as well the format requirements also described below under “Format”.  Any illustrations and the related permissions for publication must be sent to the Journal with the submission of the final version of the article. Revised works should then be forwarded for the final publication stages (language editing and page layout), once all relevant documentation material has been received (e.g. photographs) and all copyright-holder’s permissions have been acquired (e.g. for photographs or graphs) and provided that this material is formatted following the Journal’s requirements.

Authors have the opportunity to examine their language edited manuscripts. They are invited to submit their comments on the suggested modifications within three days after they were notified of them. In case no answer is received, their article is published with the modifications suggested by the editors. Authors can monitor the publication process of their works using their account with the Journal’s website.

Requirements for Final Submission

Α. The following must be submitted as separate electronic files (the name of each file must include the author’s last name and the file type extension as in the examples):

1.            Revised manuscript and footnotes as Microsoft Word and PDF files, two files in total (examples: JohnsonManuscript.doc and JohnsonManuscript.pdf). Currently, the Journal does not accept works submitted as Microsoft Word 2007 files. This file must include the following, in the order they are given here:  title of the manuscript, name (or names) of the author(s) and affiliation, complete address, e-mail and work phone number, abstract and finally main article with footnotes. In case of changes in the title and/or the article’s abstract, these must be included in the Cover Letter to the Chief Editor (see below).

2.            Illustrations: Each illustration is submitted as a separate TIFF file. The file name must include the illustration number. Illustrations are numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals in the order they appear in the text (examples: JohnsonIllustration1.tiff or JohnsonFigure1.tiff).

3.            List of legends in Microsoft Word. Enter one by one, using Arabic numerals, all legends of illustrations/figures in the text (example: JohnsonLegends.doc).

4.            Appendixes or Indexes (if any) as Microsoft Word and PDF files, two files in total for each appendix/index (examples: JohnsonAppendix1.doc and JohnsonAppendix1.pdf)

5.            Tables (if any) as Microsoft Word and PDF files, two files in total for each table (examples: JohnsonTable1.doc and JohnsonTable1.pdf). Each table must be accompanied by a legend right after the table’s main body. Tables are numbered using consecutive Arabic numerals and in the order they appear in the text.

Β. The following should be faxed to:  +30 2310 271501

Signed letter to the Journal’s Editorial Committee, which must include the following:

a. List of all changes to the manuscript initially submitted to the Journal and the reasons for these changes.

b. Point-by-point list of responses to the reviewers’ suggestions for modifications and the relevant reasoning.

c. List of all electronic files submitted with the manuscript and their content.

d. List of all software used in the production of the illustrations, including software version.

1.            All copyright-holder’s permissions. The author is responsible for all expenses needed for acquiring these permissions. The Journal will publish articles only upon reception of these permissions.

2.            Warranties and Author Agreement signed by the article’s author (form available here as PDF file).


Authors are asked to follow the standard rules of correct use of each language in regard with accentuation, capitalization, date and chronology writing etc. and to be consistent throughout their article. For articles written in the English language both British and American grammars are acceptable, provided the authors are consistent in using either the one or the other.

Foreign words

Foreign words or phrases that are not commonly used in the article’s language should be written in italics.


Use Unicode fonts for non Roman languages, such as Greek or Arabic. Unicode fonts for most languages are available free of charge on the internet.

Transcription using Latin letters

•              Authors are free to use the transcription system they prefer as long as they are consistent in its use throughout the manuscript.

•              When citing publications of recent works written in the Greek language, only the name of the author should be transcribed into Latin, while the title must be given in Greek. The place of publication should be written in the language of the article submitted for publication to the MAKEDONIKA Journal.

•              When citing publications in non Greek characters (e.g. Cyrillic alphabet), the whole citation should be transcribed.


Quotations from classic and medieval writers should be given in italics. Quotations from modern writers should be placed in quotation marks.


Photographs and legends

•              Photographs should be submitted following the requirements described below.

•              Photographs, figures or maps should be numbered consecutively, using Arabic numerals.

•              References inside the text made to the photographs or maps published in the article should be numbered consecutively in the order they appear in the text.

•              All illustrations, figures and maps must be accompanied by a legend. If they come originally from some other publication, the legend should make reference to that, including page number and/or illustration number of the publication they were copied from. When the copyright-holder of an illustration is a third person, reference should be made to that person in the way indicated by them.

o             Legend example: Cross-Reliquary, late 8th – early 9th century A.D., The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Acc. no. 17.190-715b (Photo Courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art).


Index terms should be consecutively numbered and follow a consistent way of presentation.


Tables should be numbered consecutively in the order they appear in the text, using Arabic numerals. A legend should accompany each table and should be placed below the table’s main body.

Numbers and measurements

Numbers from one to nine are spelled out in the text. Numbers from ten upward are written in Arabic numerals. At the beginning of a sentence, any number that would ordinarily be set in figures is spelled out. In bibliographies Arabic numerals are preferred to Latin or Greek, when citing numbers of journals, monographic series etc. Numbers should be used in metric unit abbreviations (e.g. 2 m). The metric system should be used when reporting measurements.


Bibliographic references are placed as footnotes in the article at the lower part of each page, and not in the form of end-notes. The first in-text reference to a given source must be cited in full and abbreviated thereafter. A full citation should include the name of the author/s, title of the work, place of publication, name of the publisher, and page number/s of the cited reference. Abbreviated citations should include the name of the author, a key word (or phrase) from the title and the page numbers. The Harvard Referencing System (with author name and year) should not be used. References should be made to specific page numbers of the work cited.

Example of a full reference: L. James, Art and Text in Byzantine Art, Cambridge 2007.

Example of an abbreviated reference: James, op.cit. (Number of citation), pp. 20-76.

Reference requirements with examples:


A. Grabar, «L’Hodigidria et l’Éléousa», ZLU 10 (1974) 3-14.

Article in a collective work or in Conference Proceedings

K. Liampi, «The Coinage of King Derdas and the History of the Elimiote Dynasty», in: A. Burnett – U. Wartenberg – R. Witschonke (eds), Coins of Makedonia and Rome: Essays in Honour of Charles Hersh, London, SPINK, 1998, p. 5 ff.

Book – single author

R. Janin, Les églises et les monastères des grandes centres byzantines, Paris 1975.

Book in a series

M. B. Hatzopoulos, Macedonian Institutions under the Kings, I: A Historical and Epigraphical Study, II: Epigraphic Appendix [MELETIMATA 22 (I-II)], Athens 1996, pp. 89-91.


S. Vryonis, Η παρακμή του μεσαιωνικού ελληνισμού της Μικράς Ασίας και η διαδικασία του εξισλαμισμού (11ος έως 15ος αιώνας), trans. K. Galatariotou, Athens 1996


W. Heyd, Histoire du commerce du Levant au Moyen Age, v. 1-2, Amsterdam 1967 (Leipzig 1885-86).

Revised Edition

D. Α. Zakynthinos, Le despotat grec de Morée (Rev. Ed. H. Maltezos), London 1975.

Book Review

D. Ι. Konstantelos, Book Review of A. Sharf, Byzantine Jewry: From Justinian to the Fourth Crusade, New York 1971, in: AHR 77 (1972) 499-500.

Encyclopedia entry

ODB, Vol. 2, Germanos I, patriarch of Constantinople (A. Kazhdan).


Abbreviations of classical and medieval writers

Authors are expected to use the abbreviation systems proposed by the Oxford Classical Dictionary, Oxford 1998 and the Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium, Oxford 1991, respectively.


Illustrations should be submitted as TIFF files. Authors are asked to inform the Journal’s Chief Editor about the software used during digitalization of the submitted illustrations, as well as the version of each software program. Illustrations should be submitted in the orientation desired by the author(s), and in case of pictures of objects it is advisable to include a scale. All illustrations should be numbered consecutively in the order they appear in the text. In the Journal issue, illustrations are presented at the end of article. The Editorial Committee has the right to reject low quality illustrations that do not meet the Journal’s requirements.

Reproduction permissions

Authors are responsible for acquiring the necessary permissions for the reproduction of material which is copyrighted, e.g. illustrations and figures. Authors are responsible for bearing the costs connected to acquiring such permissions. An article will only enter the final publication stages once all such permissions have been received.

Copyright policy

The copyright for articles in the MAKEDONIKA Journal is retained by the author(s) with first publication rights granted to the Journal. Articles published in the MAKEDONIKA Journal can be used freely for non commercial purposes, without the right of modification (preparation of derivative works), with proper reference to the author(s) and first publisher. The National Hellenic Research Foundation retains the right to publish, reproduce, present to the public, distribute and use articles published in the MAKEDONIKA Journal on any media and in any form, either separately or as parts of collective works for as long as the copyright protection endures and for all countries of the world. This can typically, but not exclusively, include the right to publish articles that appear in issues of the MAKEDONIKA Journal, to reproduce and distribute single articles, to reproduce entire articles from other publications of the National Hellenic Research Foundation and to reproduce and distribute articles or abstracts thereof using the repository information system.

Déclaration de confidentialité

Τα ονόματεπώνυμα καθώς και οι ηλεκτρονικές διευθύνσεις που καταχωρούνται στον Ιστότοπο του περιοδικού χρησιμοποιούνται αποκλειστικά για την εκπλήρωση των στόχων του εν λόγω περιοδικού. To περιοδικό ως Υπεύθυνος επεξεργασίας των προσωπικών δεδομένων που συλλέγονται όπως ορίζεται από την οικεία νομοθεσία και συγκεκριμένα στον Κανονισμό (ΕΕ) 2016/679 οφείλει να τηρεί τις υποχρεώσεις που απορρέουν από την εθνική και ευρωπαϊκή νομοθεσία πάνω σε θέματα προστασίας προσωπικών δεδομένων και να υλοποιεί την πολιτική απορρήτου και προστασίας προσωπικών δεδομένων του