open, digital, online, education, distance education

Distance professional development of school teachers and usage of the produced training material in school education

Published: Jun 9, 2016
Distance professional development educational scenario Α Grade of Elementary School value added by ICT
Ειρήνη Τζοβλά
The specific paper refers to the activities of the online community of the Greek Language Center called “Dialogue” that exploits the advantages of distance/online learning education and Educational Technologies and produced a significant number
of training scenarios which were made available to the educational community as open source educational material. A small sample of the produced educational material dealing with the application of the aforementioned framework on the First
Grade Language of the Elementary School is presented in this article. The aim of the action was the creative use of ICT in the learning process, the promotion of their added value, the creation of new literacy forms and the development of critical ones.
The scenario worked complementary to traditional literacy and expanded the activities of the school textbook beyond its one-dimensional and linear character, highlighting the interdisciplinary and cross-science context of the new curricula, strengthening the participation-and-discovery methods and applying team working.
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