open, digital, online, education, distance education

Teaching exploitation of History educational material and school exams

Published: Jun 9, 2016
School History educational material exams
Γεώργιος Θώδης
The present research aimed at recording and investigating the teachers’ beliefs who were teaching History in secondary education concerning the teaching material (that has to be taught and examined) and the issue of exams. The teachers declared that the exams have restraining effect in the educational function of the school, without improving the quality of the lesson. Moreover, they do not consider necessary to reduce (nor to increase) the teaching material. On the contrary they stated that it is necessary to increase the weekly teaching hours of the lesson.
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Γεώργιος Θώδης

Φιλόλογος, ΜΑ στη διδακτική της Ιστορίας