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The contribution of digital tools to students’ support in distance learning environments: Part A. The use of digital tools for the creation of digital learning material

Published: Oct 7, 2018
digital tools distance learning student support digital learning material authoring tools video webcast podcast LMS
Antonis Lionarakis
Sofia Theodor Papadimitriou
Antonia Hartofylaka
Athanasia Aggeli
Georgia Tzilou

The present study is based on the broader literature review, which was condacted in the framework of the research project PENER “Academic support system for ODL University Students” and focuses on one of the various axes of the project, which is the use of the contemporary digital tools, to achieve students’ support in distance learning environments.

The digital tools, which were brought out through the review, are being classified in the following distinct categories: A. Digital tools for the presentation of the learning material B. Digital tools for the management of the digital classroom C. Digital tools to conduct Group Teleconference between the members of learning community D. Digital tools to achieve collaborative learning E. Digital tools for the research, validation and organization of reliable and valid scientific sources F. Digital tools to achieve personalized learning

After classifying the tools, the research team proceeds with the analysis of the first of the six categories, the digital tools for the presentation of the learning material: 1. authoring tools 2. video 3. webcasts 4. podcasts 5. Learning Management Systems (LMS) Besides the presentation of each tool, the research team attempted to illuminate the past, and present use of those tools in the Hellenic Open University environment, as well as to suggest ways for future use, with the aim to support students and enrich the quality of studies.

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