open, digital, online, education, distance education

Teaching mathematical concepts using web-based collaborative enviroments. An eTwinning case study

Λαμπρινή (Labrini) Νικόλαος Αλεξίου (Alexiou)

eTwinning is an innovative European program that strengthens lifelong learning and the main purpose of which is the networking of schools with the help of new technologies. It is an initiative of the European Commission to strengthen the collaborative distance learning and the implementation of new innovative instructional methods. Through literature review, this article explores the contribution of the eTwinning project to the cultivation of basic skills, which the European Parliament identifies as keys to an individual's lifelong learning. Mathematics are included in these skills. It is an attempt to show the schools' potential to cultivate the students' European identity and European skills, such as cooperation and respect for the perceptions and culture of other people. It is also a case study aimed at exploring the cognitive, creative, cooperative and technological dimensions of an eTwinning action, as well as the attitude of 18 students towards the distance learning action, which they participated in. Τhe subject of the eTwinning practice combines mathematical concepts applied in real context. 

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Biographie de l'auteur
Λαμπρινή (Labrini) Νικόλαος Αλεξίου (Alexiou), univeristy of nicosia
Master Degree     Educational Technology
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