No publication fees - full language editing services - free Open Access licence

Welcome to Pnyx, our digital-only, double-blind peer-reviewed, Open Access journal for Classical Studies, Archaeology, and their Receptions. The journal publishes one volume per year and special issues (by invitation or proposal) and welcomes submissions from scholars, academics, and researchers based across the world in the field of Classical Studies (broadly defined); it provides free language editing services and full Open Access licence without any publication fees

Pnyx is an initiative from the community for the community. We take pride in our international Advisory Board that brings together a mosaic of languages, identities, cultures, and expertise, and whose numbers are tilted in favour of female and non-Anglophone representation. We work collaboratively with authors and reviewers to promote fairness and equality in publishing research in our field. The language of publication is English (the only language we are comfortable editing), as one of the aims of the journal is to provide an inclusive platform for wider dissemination. Because we value all languages, authors are encouraged to provide a long summary of their paper in their preferred language

Número actual

Vol. 3 (2024): Pnyx: Journal of Classical Studies
Ver todos los números

We are happy to publish papers discussing aspects of the Greco-Roman world and its periphery, with a timeframe from the dawn of the Archaic period to Late Antiquity. If your topic relates to the following broad categories, we are certainly interested in reading it - but please get in touch to discuss further:

  • History (political, social, constitutional)
  • Archaeology
  • Classical Receptions
  • Philology
  • Literature
  • Epigraphy
  • Numismatics
  • Papyrology
  • Philosophy

Our views on Academic English

In our view, Global Scholars who author their research in English already make a huge step in exiting their comfort zone; therefore, they should not be the ones that have to bear all additional costs and be burdened with additional workload to tailor their manuscript to immovable language requirements. In an era that purports to embrace inclusivity and diversity, the strict requirement to abide by a single modus scribendi appears counterproductive at best. For our views on academic English and other research languages, we kindly refer you to Isegoria's website here (opens New Window; please click and scroll down).

Privacy Statement

For monitoring, reporting, and transparency purposes, authors are kindly asked to register with the journal to submit. The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal (contacting authors and overviewing the process) and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Transparency and Revenue Sources

Pnyx shall rely on sponsorships and donations from individuals and organisations. Company filings and capital share structure are publicly available at Companies House and the UK Public Sector Information website here

Fixed and running costs are funded by the University of Groningen's support scheme for Open Access journals (£6,800). The National Documentation Centre of Greece supports Pnyx in kind by hosting the journal on its ePublishing platform for two years (2023-2024).