Smart cultural and political narratives in urban and periurban landscape

Published: Dec 22, 2022
Cultural Urban Landscape Virtual ‘Smart’ Digital Guidance Cul-tural Historical and Political Identity
Aikaterini Chelidoni
Konstantinos Moraitis

Urban space constitutes in general the historical, cultural and politi-cal environment, the important ‘cultural landscape’, correlated not solely to ma-terial indices but, moreover, to immaterial, intangible mnemonic references. The possibility to present this multifaceted info-sense tissue to visitors is usual-ly assigned to guides personifying the description of the city, in a time and space restricted way, delimiting the volume of information and proposing a pre-confined number of guiding narratives only. Furthermore, these conventional guiding itineraries are usually directed to tourists, or to specialized didactic and presentational events; they are not offered to the immediate desire of knowledge or to the game-oriented tendency of the urban ‘flâneur’, of the urban stroller. Behind a conventional guiding tour, extended libraries, or galleries may be con-cealed, many hours of musical references; differentiated ‘ontologies’ of infor-mation, of semantic sequences which could be reorganized and reconnected again and again.
Our effort presented in three different projects of urban landscape design, has to do with the correlation of this enormous quantity of interconnected in-formation with real space visiting itineraries, associated to virtual digital guid-ance as well. The scope of the projects presented is the same in all three pro-posals. It has to do with the importance of public urban and peri-urban space as a generator for social identity and cohesion. Considering that identities are basi-cally formed through socializing among members, as well as by exposing col-lective affiliations in public, the primary role of public space and the extended offer of cultural, historical and political information in such a process, is easily understood.

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As used by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. Deleuze, G., Guattari, F.: Capitalisme et schizophrénie: Mille Plateaux. Éd. de Minuit, Paris (1980).
Rykwert, J.: On Adam’s House in Paradise. The Idea of the Primitive Hut in Architectural History, p. 183. MIT Press, Cambridge (1997).
Evans, D.: An Introductory Dictionary of Lacanian Psychoanalysis, pp. 19-20.Routledge Edit.,London(2006).
‘Arboreal’ and ‘rhizomatic’, in correlation to the use of the terms as presented by Deleuze and Guattari (op. cit., pp. 25-31). The terms ‘rhizome’, ‘rhizomatic’ refer to multi-oriented, non hierarchical associations, in contrast to an ‘arboreal’, clearly ordered structure.
An urban landscape project for the city of Trikala, Thessaly, Greece (2018). Awarded the 1st prize of the Pan-Hellenic Architectural Competition, for the redesign of the two central squares of the city. It will be under construction during the next year. Architects: K. Apos-tolidis, A. Karachalios, S. Karachalios, L. Belemezi, K. Moraitis, and participation, during the final design approach, of the architect A. Chelidoni.
An urban landscape project for the city of Larissa, Thessaly, Greece. Awarded in the Pan-Hellenic Architectural Competition for the rehabilitation of the territory of ETHIAGE, in Larissa (2019). Proposedby the architectural team ‘Arsis Architects’ (A. Chelidoni and K. Moraitis) and the architectural team ‘Katsaros Architects’, in collaboration with the land-scape architect V.Myroforidou; also participating architects P. Niarchos and G. Daferera.
The project was designed by ‘Arsis Architects’ (A. Chelidoni, V. Koliaki, K. Moraitis, E. Theodorakoglou) in collaboration with Alcon Consultants Engineers Ltd and the Munici-pality of Kaisariani.
Figure References
Figure no. 1 partly created by the authors and partly provided by the designer of the figure. Figures no. 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 are drawings created by the authors. Figure no. 3, is a collage using an authors’ photograph and images of the Public Domain.