Heritage Preservation Education for the General Public – The role of Hands-on Education

Published: Dec 22, 2022
Heritage Education Conservation of Cultural Heritage (CCH) Education for Conservation of Cultural Heritage (ECCH) Heritage Preservation Education General Public (GP) Non-Professional Audience (NPA)
Anna Lobovikov-Katz
Antonia Moropoulou
Agoritsa Konstanti
Kyriakos Lampropoulos

Heritage education for the general public by conservation experts is the key to success in preserving the world cultural heritage. An extended State-of-the-Art Review on educational activities for the general public on conserva-tion of cultural heritage (CCH) was undertaken in 2009, as part of the European Project ELAICH (Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage). Its re-sults have not yet been published. This article revisits some selected data from the conclusions of the Review, drawn up by the leading partner of the project, with a glimpse into some present aspects of heritage education, concentrating specifically on educating the general public in CCH.

Article Details
  • Section
  • Novel educational approaches
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