Preliminary evaluation of predictions from compressive strength models for masonry

Published: Apr 30, 2024
masonry, compression, models
Lampros Kouzelis
Marina L. Moretti

Compressive strength is the most essential design parameter of load-bearing masonry structures. The performance of masonry under compression depends on numerous parameters and is linked to the properties of its component materials, which enclose high variability, and to its geometrical characteristics and interlocking arrangement. Available predictive models are usually based only on few variables and therefore their estimates are liable to uncertainties. In this paper, the performance of four existing models for the estimation of the compressive strength of masonry made of solid units, is evaluated. To this end, experimental data from tests on single-layered specimens made of solid clay bricks, and subjected to monotonic compression, were collected from the literature. The predictions of the four models are compared to the experimental strength of the masonry specimens. The performance of each model is assessed through statistical analysis indices. From the analysis, it is concluded that the examined predictive models overestimate the masonry specimens with experimental strength less than 5 MPa.

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  • Earthquake Engineering
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