Πολιτισμικός περίπατος και περιβαλλοντική ευαισθητοποίηση, η κινηματογράφηση σε ένα «ψυχογεωγραφικό» περιβάλλον - Μελέτη περίπτωσης στην πόλη των Αγίων Αναργύρων

Published: Nov 23, 2022
cultural promenade psychogeography psychogeographical landscape flâneur flânerie collective memory observational cinema
Φρύνη Βρεττού

In this article, the purpose of the research is to enhance the cultural promenade and its filming as an important tool for the environmental awareness for people of any age. The method which has been followed is qualitative research by using semi-structured interviews from older citizens of Agioi Anargyroi on the one hand and by using field research with participatory observation during the personal wandering in the area on the other hand. The observational cinema, with the detailed and long-lasting participatory observation through the camera of a mobile phone, offered a methodological tool for the cinematography. Another part of methodology contains bibliographic research about the influence of urban space to the human behavior, the “psychogeography” (Debord, 1955), during wandering through the city (“flânerie”), and the meaning of “flâneur” (Benjamin, 1939). The conclusion of the research is that the perception of space as a “psychogeographical landscape” (Bruno, 2011), a place full of the collective memory, lived experiences and desires of people, contribute to the creation of emotional bonds between the cinematographer, the environment and other humans. Τhis perception of space leads to the environmental awareness and the empowerment of the social relations. Furthermore, the wanderer-cinematographer becomes the feeling of reappropriating the environmental public space, understands his self as a part of the environment and experiences strong emotions. Finally, the cinematographer becomes aware of the animals which live in a city and critical about the preservation of natural spaces or places with strong historical and cultural value. 

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