Social security circumvention as an obstacle to social justice: the correlation with labour status and whistle-blowing

Veröffentlicht: apr 13, 2016
Anna Tsetoura

This article explores social security delinquency, which can impair social justice 
and its awarding. The parameters leading to social security fraud or delinquency are examined. Taking into account that the social security status is linked to employment, precarity in work or undeclared work are presented as a threat for the balance of a social security system. It is about a financial balance, but also a social one, since the previous can ultimately result in the disruption of social justice causing anti-motives for the participating in the social security system
and the proper fulfillment of the obligations it entails. After presenting the situation in the EU as regards the “grey zones” of employment which then have their impact on social security equilibrium, U.S.’ mechanisms for reporting fraud and whistleblower’s protection are analyzed in order to explain the recent trends in many of the EU countries of adopting similar measures.

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Anna Tsetoura, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Anna Tsetoura is a PhD candidate at the Law Faculty of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She obtained her Master of Laws in European Social Security at the Katholiek Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) and her Law Diploma at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Her research interests
include social security issues at a national, European and international level focusing on pensions. Address: Synthikis Lozanis 4, Postal code 68100, Alexandroupolis (Greece), E-mail:

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