Two letters-mempranda from E.Venizelos to Winston Churchill

Θάνος Βερεμής

Greece’s involvement in Asia Minor forced the Greek government to
contract three war loans from England in 1918, 1919 and 1920. After
the Asia Minor disaster of 1922 the repayment of these loans added a
further heavy burden on the strained resources of the country. The issue
is raised in two letters-memoranda of 1925 and 1926 addressed by
Eleftherios Yenizelos to Winston Churchill, then Chancellor of the Exchequer.
In the memoranda Venizelos reminds Churchill of the responsibilities
of Greece’s creditors for the Asia Minor campaign and disaster
and attempts to persuade him to accept some modifications of her financial
obligations. The two documents are published from the original
drafts which survive in the Emmanuel Tsouderos Archive.

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